You're Next !
Have you ever heard of Foam Locus? The revolution in frothing milk

Name | Tjeerd SchravendeelBorn | 1986#BaristaLife| Barista since 2004| Taught over 600 workshopstraining over 4,000 new baristas| 3rd Place Dutch BaristaChampionships 2013| Sales Manager @ Bocca Coffeeuntil 2015 |
Tjeerd is a Dutch barista who has been in the industry over 14 years. With his great enthusiasm and positivity, he immediately involved us in his new project: “It is such a disappointment when you walk into a nice bar and get served a bad cappuccino. The staff always do their best, but learning to steam perfect milk just takes time. I want to help them to do a great job in this period of learning and have a great idea how to do this” he told us. Now, that idea has become a reality.
From today, thanks to Foam Locus, creating foamed milk with the compact and silky texture people love, will not be a problem. It is now easier to serve a perfect cappuccino, macchiato or latte every time, and as every Latte Art lover knows, the difference between a simple cappuccino and a true work of art starts with the perfect consistency of your milk foam.
Tjeerd’s idea is truly innovative and it fits perfectly with our You're Next Project, by Baristas for Baristas. The Edo team is always in touch with dynamic and skillful young people who work in the coffee world. When work and passion blend, ideas have the strength to take shape. This is You're Next: a project that helps your ideas become products for baristas with the possibility of being sold worldwide.
Well, now Tjeerd will tell us how the idea of Foam Locus was born.
- Hello TJ, do you want to tell us something about your experience and how Foam Locus was born?
- Yes, I would be happy to. I started my first small side-job as a bartender at age 15. Back then, nobody knew how to steam perfect milk. One girl had heard that it was possible to steam a very silky milk texture with a steam wand and a milk pitcher. I was intrigued and wanted to learn as much as possible. This grew into a passion for coffee, participation in National competitions and a business at age 20 in giving training to new staff. Since that time, I have always worked with coffee and know first hand how hard people still find it to learn how to get the milk just right. I decided this could be done way easier and wanted to help new baristas to increase their results faster. Foremost because I really like to discover a nice bar that serves perfect cappuccinos. I hope that Foam Locus helps to create Better Coffee for More People, and that the chance of finding new bars that serve amazing cappuccinos will increase.
- How did you choose this name?
- I am a huge fan of Seth Godin. He once wrote an article about naming your business. It stated that you should pick a name that does not exist and that has a nice sound to it. I started brainstorming on this, which was very hard! In the end, I came up with Foam Locus. A Locus is a term to describe an exact point.
So, Foam Locus is the exact right point to create the perfect foam. The funny part is that in the beginning, everybody I told hated the name or really had to laugh, so I was kind of worrying if my hero Seth was right and if I had chosen a good name. Now I get a lot of good feedback and notice that a lot of people like the name, so I think it was a good decision.
- Why should a beginner barista use the Foam Locus?
- Because it is so nice to serve someone a perfect coffee. People are so happy with it and it does not cost you one bit extra to make it just right. Foam Locus helps you to get the basics right, you can learn while doing a great job, you have the perfect milk for Latte Art right away and can start practicing that as well. It just makes your job and the visit of the customers so much nicer. I wish someone invented a similar product for surfing haha, man that is difficult!
- Why should a professional barista use the Foam Locus?
- Well, the funny thing is that I expected that most professional baristas would like to just do it themselves. But then I noticed that a lot of them like the consistency Foam Locus offers at specific moments. For example, Dagmar Geerlings used it during here Dutch Barista Final and came 2nd! She had the highest score on her milk drink of the day (yes I have proof of that, please email me) and the head judge later told me Dagmars cappuccino was in her top 2 of all time..! That was kind of exciting. Besides that, lots of baristas give training to new staff. This can help to make that job easier because you can focus on the fun stuff like Latte Art or extracting espresso instead of the basics of steaming milk.
- Thank you very much Tjeerd. We would also like to remind our friend that if you are interested in testing Foam Locus out for yourself, please send us a message and we will work it out.
We are happy to add this fantastic product to our catalogue, and we are sure that Foam Locus will be a very beneficial tool for everyone and it will help to improve latte art skills worldwide!