1453 is the year that saw the fall, after 1058 long years, of the Eastern Roman Empire: after a siege of only two months, the Sultan Mohammed II driving the Turkish Ottomans managed to break the most impenetrable circle of walls of Europe.
For some historians in the spring of 1453 the modern era began and the Middle Ages ended: for the history of coffee enthusiasts this date is the date of ...
history and legends of coffee
Rhazes and the therapeutic use of coffee in Ancient Persia
16 June 2016

The true
origin of coffee drinking is probably hidden among the mysteries, legend and
fable of the purple East, but scholars have collected sufficient proves that
the beverage was known in Ethiopia...
history and legends of coffee
Arabs and coffee: from legend to history, from history to …
27 May 2016

Ethiopia and the Arabian Peninsula, far away but close enough to be reached by boat: across the Aden Gulf was raging the debate between supporters of the Ethiopian shepherd Kaldi legend and those of ...
history and legends of coffee
the legend of Omar who, in Mocha, started keeping awake …
12 May 2016

The coffee we
call Mocha (also spelled Moka, Moca, or Mocca) today is grown as it has been
for hundreds of years in the mountains of Yemen.
There is a
story, according to an ancient ...
history and legends of coffee
The legend of Kaldi and of the Jumping Goats
30 March 2016

Once upon a time, in a sunny day of the 9th century, there was an Ethiopian goatherd, named Kaldi, who observed his “irreproachable” goats start having a very strange behaviour, with no apparent ...