Barista World
Artpresso cleaning tools: design and efficiency nearby

The coffee residues and possible scaling that may settle on the group head, on the steam wand and on the drain grid of your coffee machine require a constant cleaning process in order to realize a substance that can fully exalt your coffee taste.
In addition to use dedicated cleaning tools, it would be great whether they were an added value for the image of your reality behind the counter too.
The new line of cleaning accessories we introduce you today is the perfect union between design and performance.
Let’s discover them better.
- Group head cleaning tool, p/n 615850.
This product allows you to simultaneously clean the group head gasket and the shower screen. It is equipped with a nylon ring brush with a microfiber centre and an integrated inspection mirror.
- Drain Tray cleaning tool, p/n 615851.
Equipped with an interchangeable, absorbent microfiber pad plus a comfortable and contour handle, it will be your best partner to speed up the grid cleaning process.
- Steam wand cleaning tool, p/n 615852.
This product, thanks to its ergonomic design and its replaceable microfiber pad, assures you not only a perfect cleaning of your nozzle, but also protects you from chaps and burns.
- Platforms for cleaning tools, p/n 615853 and 615854.
Artpresso platform provide a dedicated storage place to for your cleaning tool. They are eco-friendly, mold resistant and easily washable with water.
They are available in the large format – to store your drain tray cleaning tool – and in the small one – to store your steam wand cleaning item.
Are you curious to see all these tools in action?
Watch the video and try them straight away – you find them already available on our catalog!